In July 2020, we finished our new student enrollment for the 2020 school year. We’ve added 28 new students, bringing the total students served by the Progreso Apoyo Program to 52 students! Not bad for our second year of operation! The majority of these students attend the public secondary schools of Carlos Marx, Benito Juarez and Rafael Chazaro Perez in Progreso. But this year we have also added two students who will attend their first year of public high school at Cobay and one student from another public secondary school named Evila Carrillo Puerto.

Because of the Covid-19 virus, getting our students ready for school this year is more complicated. But thanks to our fabulous Program Assistant Fabi Fuentes Rodriguez, and Doña Elizabeth, the owner of Tienda Erika’s, we organized a safe and sanitary way to get our students their new uniforms. Fabi scheduled the students to come to the store at to get their measurements at different times, thus limiting the number of students at the store at any one time. Masks were required, and Doña Elizabeth had good ventilation in the store and plenty of hand sanitizer available.
The distribution of uniforms happened at the home of Doña Elizabeth over three days in August. Once again, our “Fabulous Fabi” organized a safe and sanitary event assisted by her husband Enrique.
We deliberately purchased fewer uniforms and supplies in order to support our students with distance learning. Read more about that on our Distance Learning Project page.
We continue to do everything we can to support our community of students while also keeping them safe!